Hello! Welcome, thanks for stopping by.
If this section doesn’t answer your particular query or question, please join our Discord. We have a few channels dedicated to things like bug fixing, suggestions and questions. So if you can’t find your answer here, we will do our best to find one for you there.
For a more in-depth rundown of data security and your rights, please check out our Privacy Policy and/or our Terms of Use.
WE DO NOT ADVISE USING PUBLIC COMPUTERS TO ACCESS THIS SITE. Blizzard will keep your session authenticated for up to 24 hours, even after you logout of any application that uses Blizzard's OAuth.
However, if you do choose to use a public computer, to ensure your account and data are kept secure, please use incognito mode. This will ensure that your session is cleared when closing the incognito browser window. By clearing your session, no one will be able to log back into your account, even after you leave the computer.
If at any time you’re worried about public computers still having access your account, the best option is to go to your Blizzard connection settings and revoke access for this site. Doing this will not delete any of your data, but will prevent any devices from being able to automatically login.
If you just want to browse the listings on the site and not take advantage of the features you get when you do login, then there’s absolutely no need to create an account, if you don’t want to.
You will still be able to browse all available listings and apply all of the filters relevant to find someone who can fulfill your craft order.
If you received an error about “required permissions not being accepted”, then it’s likely you didn’t accept all of the required permissions needed in order to create an account. We outline required information needed in order to create an account here, in our privacy policy.
To rectify this and complete account creation successfully, follow these steps:
, by clicking Remove.You may still have the legacy permission once asked for by ForgeFinder associated to your account:
We realised this (openid
) was in fact not needed by ForgeFinder, thus can be removed from the access you grant to us.
We strongly advise for you to follow steps 2. to 4. above in order to remove this permission.
This should leave only the 2 required permissions ForgeFinder actually requires:
Please note This will not delete your data from our systems, just the access permissions to your Battle.net data is changed. If you wish to revoke all access and delete all of your data follow these steps instead.
So, in addition to what you get whilst not logged in:
, recipeId
and listingId
s in your browserWith an account, you also can benefit from:
and recipes
on the search pagecharacters
on the listings pageWe want to make this a community led site, developing features and fixing bugs that are important to you. If you want to get involved with contributing so some of these directions and decisions, please join our Discord.
In order to register as a crafter on ForgeFinder, you must first create some listings.
Each character will list all of the recipes they can currently craft.
- Once you learn a new recipe, it may take Blizzard a little while to register this via their api.
You can try: logging out/in to WoW and refreshing the page, but more often than not it’s just patience needed.
You can populate this information manually, but we strongly advise you install and use CraftSim to export/import your data.
These walkthroughs outline most of the basics, tips to make your life easier and also explain a few core concepts of the site.
- If you cannot see a help menu button, you may need to zoom out or change your browser window size.
- The help menus are hidden at smaller screen resolutions, due to the lack of screen space to show adequate information.
Just login, go to your account page and follow the short instructions to delete your data and account.
This process will permanently delete all of your data from our systems.
Please note, you will be able to login immediately again afterwards. This is because we do not require nor store a
, we use Blizzard’s Oauth system to authenticate you on their side, and so Blizzard just tell us if your login was authenticated, along with yourBattleTag
&Battle.net ID
Crafters can only accept orders for items they can guarantee to fulfill. They have to have high enough gear, skill level or reagents in order to be able to craft an item at a specific quality.
Heads up! If you’re after items that require concentration to craft, keep in mind that the crafter might not always be able to produce them on demand. If they do not have enough concentration to fulfil your order, you maybe declined, if you’re at all concerned about this whisper them first.
A British husband and wife team of 2 living in the UK, no kids, no pets, no house… yet!
We are avid gamers by night and full-time developers by day. Weathering the storm of the current cost of living crisis, listening to our millennial playlists and reminiscing of simpler times. Lovers of many TV shows, films and true crime or supernatural documentaries. Quintessential nerdy neurospicy introverts.
Just like many of you, we hate the mind-numbing process of searching for someone to fulfill our crafting orders. Week after week of an incessant copy/paste and stare until someone either pings you or you find a crafter matching your EXACT specifications needed.
The madness needed to stop.
We began designing and developing this site and it snowballed from something quite simple to this passion project that both of us really have poured our heart and soul into. We hope you enjoy using this site as much as we enjoy building and maintaining it. We hope it brings the community together and finally provides a place for everyone, of all locations, realms, factions etc to find someone to fulfill their crafting orders.